history of chiropractics las vegas
When Daniel David Palmer performed the first chiropractic adjustment on a deaf janitor in 1895, the field of chiropractic medicine was born. The janitor reported that he was able to hear the sound of horses in the street and two years later the first school of chiropractic was opened. Long before Palmer’s contribution, historical evidence shows that chiropractic methods were being employed in ancient China and Greece as far back as 2700 B.C. and Hippocrates published texts between 460 to 357 B.C. that expounded on the benefits of chiropractic care. The field first spread through all 50 states during the twentieth century before becoming popular in other countries. In 1979, Chiropractic in New Zealand
published a paper supporting the effectiveness of chiropractic care.


To become a Doctor of Chiropractic, candidates must:
  • Have 90 hours of undergraduate science courses
  • Complete 4-5 years of studies at a Chiropractic College
  • Have 4200 hours of classroom, clinical and laboratory experience
  • Spend 555 of those hours learning adjusting techniques and spinal analysis
  • Complete training in basic medical sciences, diagnosis, radiology andtherapeutic techniques
  • Pass a national board exam
  • Successfully complete licensing requirements for the state they are practicing in


By promoting the innovation of non-invasive, science-based approaches to healing, chiropractors are changing the face of healthcare one patient at a